Q1) I have no previous mentoring experience but would like to become a mentor. How can I go about this?
Head of Mentoring team is responsible in recruiting mentors for the A.T.Award mentoring scheme. The selection process includes submitting a CV, an interview and a clear DBS check.
Q2) Will I get an introduction prior to the first mentoring session?
Mentors will be selected through interview process. Successful mentors will be given introduction to the mentoring process.
Q3) What is the time commitment?
Apart from the first group meeting, mentoring sessions can range from 30 minutes to 1 hour. It is required to have at least 1 face-to-face session during the 2 years period. As a mentor, you are a role model. If you find yourself postponing meetings often and not honoring previous agreements, you send the wrong signal to your mentee, and their commitment will suffer as a consequence.
Q3) Is it important to have review meetings?
Yes – regular learning reviews are an important part of any professional development activity, and mentoring is no exception.
Q4) What do I do if I can’t provide the right guidance to the mentee?
If you realize that you simply can’t help the mentee you are required to communicate to the Head of Mentoring team.
Q5) How many mentees can I take on at the same time?
Mentors can take up to 3 mentees at a time however, there are a few factors to consider:
- How much time you can spend on mentoring as part of your own professional development, in consultation with your line manager.
- How much time you can set aside for taking on additional mentoring responsibilities.
Q6) What can I do if I struggle with my mentoring sessions?
First, keep a learning log to help you to reflect on your experience and gain a deeper understanding of what is working well and what isn’t. Second, recognize that as a mentor you are not there on your own. Help and support are available through A.T.Award Mentoring service. Any issue should be discussed in review meetings with the Head of Mentoring team.